Do you have any questions? We’ve got the answers.

Your questions are as individual as our buildings. You can find a selection of the most frequently asked questions here, but please don’t hesitate to contact us if you can’t find the answer to your question.

Where are the Next Level Spaces?

The premises are part of the third phase of construction at the Papieri site in Cham (canton of Zug) and are located on the eastern edge of the site – with optimal visibility to Knonauerstrasse – in building F.

Which companies are the premises suitable for?

The variety of uses is just as great as the diverse array of interior designs. The Next Level Spaces can be used as both office and commercial premises. Thanks to the ceiling height of more than 6 meters, a permissible load of up to 1,000 kg/m² and great flexibility in terms of media connections, even Industry 4.0 companies will find a good home here.

The ground floor areas offer a ceiling height of 3.75 meters and a permissible load of 800 kg/m². They are primarily available as retail floor space and are intended to offer an interesting mix of uses that cover people’s key day-to-day needs (e.g. grocery shops, pharmacies, beauticians, hairdressers, etc.).

What makes the premises so special?

At over 6 meters, the ceiling height is exceptionally high. This makes it possible to execute attractive interior designs or even to install intermediate floors. In turn, this allows the rental space to be expanded by up to 100%. You can do so as soon as you move in, or later, for example if you discover you need more space as you grow.

Another bonus point is the high permissible load of the floor space. At 1,000 kg per m², this means that the premises also appeal to commercial businesses and Industry 4.0 companies. When installing the intermediate ceiling, the permissible load is divided into 500 kg/m² (floor space: 500 kg/m², intermediate ceiling: 500 kg/m²).

Can I install the intermediate floor myself?

You request the installation of the intermediate floor, and we’ll get everything necessary for this on track. Ultimately, you’ll pay an additional but significantly lower rent on the installed space.

Are there spaces available with conventional ceiling heights, too?

Yes, there are. The ground floor of the building offers around 2,000 m² of rental space with a ceiling height of 3.75 meters that can be used as retail and commercial premises. The Papieri site is also home to a range of other exciting offerings. If you haven’t found what you’re looking for here, visit the website to see if there is something suitable for you in another building.

How can rental spaces be adapted to your needs?

We hand the rental space over to you as a shell construction, so you can work out a suitable layout for it with planners you trust. Alternatively, we have renowned interior designers and office planners on hand to develop a layout tailored to your needs and guide the project from construction all the way to key handover. We would be happy to discuss the next steps with you individually.

When will the Next Level Spaces be ready?

The handover for the tenant fit-out is expected to take place in summer 2026 (forecast as of spring 2024).

What type of fit-out will the spaces be rented out with?

The rental spaces are handed over as shell constructions. For a detailed explanation of the fit-out, please refer to the brief description of the building. If you wish to rent a fully fitted space, we can offer interesting options.

Are the spaces air-conditioned?

All rental spaces are supplied with CO₂-neutral heating and cooling from the building site. Heat distribution is included in the basic construction and takes place in the upper floors via radiovectors/heating walls and partly via floor convectors, and on the ground floor via radiovectors. The cooling pipes are routed to the rental area and can then be expanded to meet users’ individual needs, e.g. as cooling ceilings in the tenant’s fit-out.

The ventilation pipes are also routed to the rental space. The distribution within the rental space must be coordinated with the fit-out in question and therefore forms part of the tenant’s fit-out. Incoming air is preconditioned.

What kind of elevator systems will be fitted in building F?

Schindler S6000, load capacity 2,500 kg or 33 people
Dimensions of the cab: 2.2 x 2.2 x 2.5 m; doors in clearance 1.8 x 2.1 m
Attractive, elegant materials

Are spaces available for shared use?

The rental spaces on the first floor are directly connected to a roof terrace, which is available to adjacent tenants for shared use.

In building F, the sales areas on the ground floor and the toilets are available for shared use by your employees on basement level 1. In addition, all tenants have access to four fully fitted showers, including lockers, on basement level 1.

The bicycle storage room on basement level 1 and all surrounding areas on the Papieri site can also be used.

What options are available to me for goods deliveries?

Larger deliveries take place in the truck tunnel to the north of building E (parallel to building F). This truck delivery area is connected to a large service elevator, which allows goods to be moved to the storage areas in the basement or to the rental areas on the ground or upper floors.

Smaller deliveries via van can be made directly to the underground parking garage. The southern part of the underground parking garage is extra-tall and can be accessed via van. There is a designated loading and unloading area, from where you can easily access the distribution corridor with the service elevators and all storage areas.

Are parking spaces available for my employees and customers?

An underground parking garage with 195 car parking spaces and various motorcycle parking spaces will be constructed at the same time as the third-phase buildings. All parking spaces are available as a pool, i.e. there are no allocated parking spaces. You will receive one parking entitlement for your employees per 100 m² of rental space. Customers can also use the parking spaces and pay via the car park payment offices or the Parking Pay app. In addition, around 200 outdoor parking spaces will be available along the Papieri-Ring, which will be available to customers and visitors to the site. All car parks are managed. In addition, around 20% of the parking spaces will be equipped with an electric charging station from the outset (100% retrofittable).

Sustainability is important to me. What can you tell me about this?

Sustainability is a top priority at the Papieri site. As an example, we run a unique, environmentally friendly energy system that supplies all rental spaces with CO₂-neutral heating, cooling and electricity.

40% of the total electricity required is produced on site with the hydropower plant and various photovoltaic systems, including panels on the third-phase buildings. The heating and cooling required is obtained via geothermal energy and thermal energy from the Lorze river.

This 100% fossil-free system based on renewable energies meant that the Papieri site became the first “2,000-watt site” in the canton of Zug in February 2022 and was awarded the Watt d’Or, a quality seal for energy excellence, by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy in January 2024. Read more about it here.

In addition to these extensive sustainability efforts on the site, building F – as a purely commercial building – is envisaged to be certified with the internationally recognized LEED Platinum sustainability label.

Interested? Let us know.

Simply submit your enquiry using the contact form.

Let’s talk

Sarah Hofstetter, Project Developer
T +41 41 508 08 28


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Bild Sarah Hofstetter, Projektentwicklerin, Cham Group

Sarah Hofstetter, Project Developer
T +41 41 508 08 28

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