Connected to the boom region, connected to attractive clusters
The Next Level Spaces are located in the heart of booming central Switzerland, not far from the city of Zug and close to the business hub of Zurich. The financial conditions are very attractive for companies, with high living standards and top-quality workplaces giving employees a productivity boost. The location provides countless other benefits, too. Take a look at our Papieri site brochure.
Get an overview of what makes this location so special
The booming central Switzerland region
Central Switzerland, and the Zug region in particular, is in the midst of an economic boom. More and more national and international companies are settling here and benefiting from economically advantageous conditions.
Papieri as a home base
This location is nestled amidst a lively, modern residential and professional district with a wide range of offerings such as grocery stores, micro-apartments, daycares and sports facilities. As of 2032, there will even be a primary school and kindergarten on site.
You’re in the very best company in the Next Level Spaces. They’re located at the heart of central Switzerland’s fintech, biotech and pharma cluster and crypto valley – with renowned sports brands and outdoor brands as neighbors.
Close to everything
Zurich railway station | 25 min | 30 min | ||
Zurich airport | 35 min | 55 min | ||
Lucerne railway station | 20 min | 25 min | ||
Zug railway station | 10 min | 10 min | 18 min | 70 min |
Cham center | 2 min | 2 min | 5 min |
Public transport connections, which are already pretty good, will get even better in the future: two bus lines currently link the Papieri site and Next Level Spaces with the S-Bahn city train connection at Cham station every 30 minutes. Following the opening of the Cham-Hünenberg bypass in December, an additional express bus line to Zug railway station will provide a direct connection to long-distance transport heading toward Zurich and Lucerne in just 15 minutes. The Papieri site will have its own stop for the express bus line.

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- Dining & hotels
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